Fluke Six Pack

The Fluke Six Pack collects the remaining available back issues of Fluke Fanzine at a discounted price! You get issues 11, 13, 18, 19, 19.5 and 20, all for only $19.99!
Fluke 11:
Interviews with buZ blurr of Colossus of Roads fame, Ed Crawford from fIREHOSE, Negative Approach, the late great Barker Gee and Bad Years.
40 pages, half size
Cover art by buZ blurr
Fluke 13: The 25th Anniversary issue
A love letter to Little Rock, the 25th Anniversary issue looks back on that city's early '90s punk rock scene.
Fluke 13 opens with a story from the editor, about discovering this scene while in high school. This is full of interviews with those who played a big part of early Little Rock punk—James Brady (Trusty), Fletcher Clement (promotor), Colette Tucker (she hung the flyers around town), Andy Conrad (Numbskulz, Five-O, 12ft6) and Colin Brooks (Numbskulz, Substance). Mitchell Crisp returns with "Mitchell Crisp's Rainy Day Playlist," as does John Pugh with Zomby Fun Pages.
This issue also features Arkansas native and rock n roll legend Tav Falco, with a 12-page spread on the leader of Panther Burns. 68 pages of Arkansas underground music history!
"In the late ‘80s, a punk rock scene began to grow out of an art space on the corner of 7th Street and Chester in downtown Little Rock, Arkansas. It switched hands and names, from Urbi et Orbi to DMZ to Nemesis then Mandrake’s before Henry bought the place, built a pizzeria and named it Vino’s. Most people outside of Little Rock won’t recognize most names within this issue, but the names are insignificant. What matters is the connection that was made between teenagers all over the city who found each other at the only “alternative” space Little Rock had at the time. I believe that’s what we all truly crave - a common bond. Something to grab onto and call our own. This bond that was formed on that corner has stuck and what was once a scene is now something much deeper and more meaningful. To me, punk rock has always been about building something and the greatest structure erected from it has been the friendships we’ve made, and we continue to make. It was built from the ground up. Fletcher Clement booked the shows, Colette Tucker hung the flyers and John Pugh and others published fanzines. James Brady, Andy Conrad and Colin Brooks played in the bands. Dozens of others did their part, from working in copy shops to taking out the trash at the end of the night.
And then there’s the enigmatic Tav Falco! Rogue male, Falco grew up in Arkansas and transitioned to Memphis, where he formed Panther Burns in the ‘70s. Their first show outside of Memphis was at Burns Park in North Little Rock, Arkansas in 1979. Tav Falco is one of the truly original and romantic forces in American music - the voice that America lost and found. Not just a musician, Tav is a performance artist, actor, filmmaker, and photographer. He is presently living in Vienna and sometimes Paris."
68 pages, half size
Fluke 18: Outsider Art
This issue focuses on outsider art and culture.
We caught up with filmmaker, photographer and cinematographer Bill Daniel—creator of the experimental documentary film Who is Bozo Texino?—and talked about zines, Aaron Cometbus and Bill's train-hopping adventures that eventually led to discovering the moniker writers of the US railways system.
Susan A. Phillips of Pitzer College and author of The City Beneath: A Century of Los Angeles Graffiti has been researching graffiti since 1990. Susan shares with us her vast knowledge and discoveries, including graffiti dating back to the early 20th century by legendary hobo A-No. 1.
We welcome back Gary Floyd (Dicks, Sister Double Happiness), who was featured in Fluke 15 in 2018. I had two friends submit interviews with Gary, this is the second one. Gary talks about growing up in Gurdon, Arkansas, moving to Austin and forming the Dicks, and touring with Nirvana with Sister Double Happiness.
Sergej Vutuc—photographer, zine maker, skateboarder and musician now based in Paris, France—contributes his skateboarding photographs that are like none other.
buZ blurr of Colossus of Roads fame writes about connecting with Bill Daniel in the early '90s, during Bill's search for Bozo Texino. buZ also contributed art for this issue.
Linda Kite writes about her relationship with D Boon (Minutemen) and the Desolation Center shows around Los Angeles in the early to mid '80s.
Also in this issue you'll find more art and photographs as well as writings about skateboarding, music, art and friendship. It is my hope that this issue will inspire you to keep searching, keep creating and keep living through these troubled times.
56 pages, half-size issue
Fluke 19: The Mail Art issue
An exploration into the world of the pioneers of Mail Art. We traveled far and wide for interviews with buZ blurr, John Held, Jr, Anna Banana, Leslie Caldera, EF Higgins III, Ryosuke Cohen, Noriko Shimizu, Henry Denander and more. Bonus interview from 1977 with the Father of Mail Art, Ray Johnson. The stalwarts of Mail Art who have been active in the movement since the '70s and '80s are all here at your fingertips!
76 pages, perfect bound digest-size book. 2nd edition has a new cover and art within
Fluke 19.5: The First Two Years
In 1990 in Little Rock, Arkansas, local punk Steve Schmidt set out to be in a band (Chino Horde), host a punk rock radio show on KABF (Adios Amerika) and publish a fanzine (Plaid). While Chino Horde and Adios Amerika achieved greatness in Little Rock and abroad, Plaid never saw issue 1.
A year later, Jason White and Matthew Thompson stepped in to collaborate with Schmidt on Fluke issue 1, picking up where he left off with Plaid. Steve had interviews with Fugazi and Plaid Retina in the can, Jason interviewed Tim Lamb (of legendary '80s Little Rock punk fanzine Lighten Up) and Matthew submitted a few writings. They wrote dozens of punk and hip hop record reviews, shot photographs and sought contributors around town. There's content addressing the societal pressures of the Bible Belt onto the youth—military recruiters to religious crusaders and anti-abortionists. While not at shows or skateboarding, the three high school friends created the design and layout at Kinko's in North Little Rock, where local punk and friend Colin Brooks worked. With a very nice "deal" on copies, Fluke 1 was born.
The following year, Fluke 2 was published soon after Steve moved to Eureka, California but eventually returning to Little Rock. Issue 2 featured touring bands, including interviews with Lungfish, Ben Sizemore (Econochrist), Bay Area bands Nuisance and Monsula, and Toronto's Phleg Camp.
As things progressed, Steve and Jason channeled their energy into Chino Horde while Matthew continued publishing Fluke. Issue 14 (2017) contains 40 show flyers from 1988-1992, all from the one punk club in town. The early '90s Little Rock scene was centered around these shows, with local sweethearts Trusty as the driving force. The show flyers are the centerpiece here, completing Fluke 19.5: The First Two Years.
8.5x11, 108 pages, perfect bound, offset printed book
Fluke 20: The Big Mud
The Big Mud is the confluence of many tributaries such as Mike Watt, Subhumans, Marcher Arrant, Stinkweeds Records, Robert and Karoline Collins, Jessica Mills, Jessie Lynn McMains, Matt Limo and more!
Read about exploring the catacombs below the streets of Paris, a cab ride gone bad in Mongolia, pinball machines on fire in Seattle, dirty hippies chugging their own piss in Albuquerque, a Replacements mixtape on a road trip to Brooklyn and Mike Watt learning punk rock up in Hollywood. Oh but there's more in The Big Mud, you just gotta hop in the boat and enjoy the adventure with us!
64 pgs, full color, offset print. Cover by Peter Montgomery.
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