The 3-pack Bonanza

Buy two get one free, while supplies last! This deal combines Fluke issues 18, 19 and 20, for the low low price of $9.99. I mean, come on, the prices are low to begin with!
Here's what's inside each issue:
Fluke 20: The Big Mud
Fluke 20 is the confluence of many tributaries such as Mike Watt, Subhumans, Marcher Arrant, Stinkweeds Records, Robert and Karoline Collins, Jessica Mills, Jessie Lynn McMains, Matt Limo and more!
Read about exploring the catacombs below the streets of Paris, a cab ride gone bad in Mongolia, pinball machines on fire in Seattle, dirty hippies chugging their own piss in Albuquerque, a Replacements mixtape on a road trip to Brooklyn and Mike Watt learning punk rock up in Hollywood. Oh but there's more in The Big Mud, you just gotta hop in the boat and enjoy the adventure with us!
64 pgs, full color, offset print
Fluke 19: The Mail Art Issue
Fluke 19 is an exploration into the world of the pioneers of Mail Art. We traveled far and wide for interviews with buZ blurr, John Held, Jr, Anna Banana, Leslie Caldera, EF Higgins III, Ryosuke Cohen, Noriko Shimizu, Henry Denander and more. Bonus interview from 1977 with the Father of Mail Art, Ray Johnson. The stalwarts of Mail Art who have been active in the movement since the '70s and '80s are all here at your fingertips!
76 pages, full color
Fluke 18: Outsider Art
Fluke 18 focuses on outsider art and culture.
We caught up with filmmaker, photographer and cinematographer Bill Daniel—creator of the experimental documentary film Who is Bozo Texino?—and talked about zines, Aaron Cometbus and Bill's train-hopping adventures that eventually led to discovering the moniker writers of the US railways system.
Susan A. Phillips of Pitzer College and author of The City Beneath: A Century of Los Angeles Graffiti has been researching graffiti since 1990. Susan shares with us her vast knowledge and discoveries, including graffiti dating back to the early 20th century by legendary hobo A-No. 1.
We welcome back Gary Floyd (Dicks, Sister Double Happiness), who was featured in Fluke 15 in 2018. I had two friends submit interviews with Gary, this is the second one. Gary talks about growing up in Gurdon, Arkansas, moving to Austin and forming the Dicks, and touring with Nirvana with Sister Double Happiness.
Sergej Vutuc—photographer, zine maker, skateboarder and musician now based in Paris, France—contributes his skateboarding photographs that are like none other.
buZ blurr of Colossus of Roads fame writes about connecting with Bill Daniel in the early '90s, during Bill's search for Bozo Texino. buZ also contributed art for this issue.
Linda Kite writes about her relationship with D Boon (Minutemen) and the Desolation Center shows around Los Angeles in the early to mid '80s.
Also in this issue you'll find more art and photographs as well as writings about skateboarding, music, art and friendship. It is my hope that this issue will inspire you to keep searching, keep creating and keep living through these troubled times.
56 pages, offset print